Wednesday, May 20, 2015

We Post Nothing about Our Daughter Online

In Amy Webb’s article “We Post Nothing about Our Daughter Online” she describes how one of her friends loved to post pictures and statuses about their five year old daughter. She explains that her and her husband do not post anything about their daughter, and try to keep her off the web. They have made accounts for all the social network sites in her name, and plan to give her an envelope with all her usernames and passwords when they think she is old enough. They do not want to take away her web anonymity for her, and will let her make the choice when she is old enough.  I understand what they are trying to do, and I partially agree with it. I completely understand not posting anything about your children on the internet. I agree, and do not think it is a very smart thing to do, especially in the excessive way described in the article. However, I really see no point in making accounts for their child when she is just a baby. If you want to keep your daughter off the web, why would you make accounts for her? Also, the chance that the same social networking sites and email servers being used to  will be common 15 years from now is highly unlikely. Just 5 or 10 years ago things like AOL instant messenger and Myspace were huge, yet are completely outdated and ignored today. I guess in theory their idea of allowing their daughter to be in complete control of her web presence is good, though I would have to say their method of going about it is a bit impractical.

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