Wednesday, May 6, 2015

24 Hour Blog

Well, I am happy to say what feels like the longest 24 hours of my life is finally over. As i sit here in my room curled up in the corner with disheveled hair and bloodshot eyes, the withdrawals have taken their toll on me. Just kidding! I went 24 hours without my iPod, and I would have to say it was a bit inconvenient. I usually enjoy listening to music through my iPod in the car, when I do my homework, and at night when I am in bed. However, I have had to live without this luxury for the last 24 hours. Doing something like this really exposes your dependence on these little pieces of technology that have become such a huge part of our lives. For me, music is an absolute must. I am always listening to new stuff, and my iPod gets plenty of use. So to state the obvious, just because I couldn’t use my iPod didn’t stop me from listening to music. I found myself going back through time, and busting out old CD's and super old  and cheap boombox. It was fun though. I had forgotten about all the great classic CD's I had. It didn’t stop there though, I went back even further and used my record player a fair amount. Now the ipod may be a lot more convenient since you don’t have to replace CD's or change the side of the record, the sound quality is noticeably  worse.  Listening to music on a CD or a record sounds SO much better, and gives it that cool vintage feel. In the end, it really was not that hard. I have plenty great substitutions for the ipod, and it made me appreciate them a lot more.

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