Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Hidden Dangers of Mobile Phone Addiction

Aaron Fawcett
Keli Rowley
English 1
28 May 2015                                                                                    
The Hidden Dangers of Mobile Phone Addiction
            Cell phones have come a very long way from the basic, heavy brick like design they once were. Advances in technology have made mobile phones smaller, lighter, and more efficient. You can access the internet, email, text messages, phone calls, games, social networking, and a variety of other applications all through your smartphone. Today, almost everyone owns a smartphone and whether we realize it or not, our lives revolve around them. While these smartphones are quite amazing and handy, there are proving to have some serious negative side effects. While the internet, social media, video gaming, and online gambling can all prove to be serious addictions, I feel mobile phones are the most dangerous since we can access all of these through them. Our addiction to our mobile phones has resulted in a lack of real, tangible social interaction, a false sense of relation and connection with others, and a reliance and inability to function without them.

Works Cited
Fitzgerald, Britney. “Americans Addicted to Checking SmartPhones, Would ‘Panic’ if Lost
            Device”. Huffington Post. 21 June 2012. Web. 28 May 2015.
International Center for Media and the Public Agenda. “Students Addicted to Social Media”.
            Signs of Life in the USA. Eds. Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. 2015. Print

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